Oh my God.
Holy shit.
I just had a moderate hissy-fit encounter with my old boss. She called my house, my cell, and emailed me. She said she was greatly concerned that I'd been in the office over the weekend to collect my things.
The fact that I was in the office upset her - not my getting my things.
Within fifteen minutes of getting her voicemail on my cell phone the keys to the place were in her husband's hands. Then I got home and IMd her. She threw a hissy fit. She totally disregarded what I was saying. She totally ignored the points I made. She acted like a brat - oh, wait ... she wasn't acting. Fucking people with PhDs. Hers is in customer relations, in fact. She has no clue about people - so it's rather ironic.
The conversation...
ME: Hi [owner of business]...I got your messages. I dropped off the keys with [insert HER husband's name here] about 45 minutes ago.
HER: Did you talk to [insert HER husband's name here]?
ME: No - my husband walked them over to him ... [insert HER husband's name here] wished us luck, and that was about it.
HER: Both of us are concerned about how you have handled this situation. Personally I am disppointed that you walked off and didn't come back. I thought you were a very professional person but this past week or so has not been so. None of this makes sense to me.
HER: Just walking quitting and walking off is quite odd. That's all I'm saying.
ME: I became very ill due to the stress i was under. It wasn't a one day kind of illness. I'm still affected by it greatly. I apologized profusely for having to just leave so suddenly, and offered you four weeks of my services from home as that was the best I could do. I'm sorry that wasn't something that would have worked for you.
HER: See, that's the problem. You should have talked to me before you just walked off. I would have gladly worked on a solution with you. But just walking away and not coming back does not speak well for anyone. I sent you an email that day and asked for an estimate to do the webiste work. No reply. Anyway, we do with you the best and hope you find peace wherever you end up. Take care of yourself.
ME: I did not just walk off, though.
ME: I went to the emergency room.
HER: and never came back
HER: never called, nothing
HER: There's nothing we can do about this now. It's done. I do hope you get things worked out. I always thought a lot of you.
ME: I absolutely loved working for [insert company name here]. I really did. I knew I would be leaving soon, and when I saw what [insert ill-treated employee's name here] went through with you - knowing I would have to go through the same thing - I was, naturally, really nervous about discussing my own situation with you.
ME: But, I do wish you the best, and [insert HER husband's name here], as well.
ME: Just one more thing - I couldn't call from the ER, but I did have Venti call [insert HER husband's name here] for me as soon as possible. It wasn't my intention to be unprofessional. I just didn't want you to think I didn't call.
HER: I get the point that you called on Friday. But then you just disappeared. Quit with no notice. That's my disappointment. Whatever you are talking about [insert ill-treated employee's name here] situation, I don't know, but at least he gave us notice and helped us get ready for the transition. You might do that for your next job as I'm sure they will appreciate it too.
ME: Again, I offered you four weeks of assistance. You did not to respond to that part of my email. I did not respond to the website as - in thinking it over - I could not find a way to effectively do that on a contract basis. But, anyway... take care.
I hate Virginia, and most of the people in it.
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