Anyway, so I hate Virginia. The people who live in that state, not the state itself - although the weather sucks, the roads suck, the traffic sucks, the cost of everything sucks - oh, wait - I DO hate all of Virginia. I had to force myself to get in contact with some fucktard from Virginia today, and I didn't like it one bit. I had to call a pharmacy there about my Xanax XR prescription, which Dr. Decaf gave me several months worth of refills on - and yet, (not) surprisingly, the Virginia pharmacy has no record of the refills. They actually lost several months worth of refills, and now I'm out of Xanax XR, and nobody cares.
I'm actually glad this happened. I'll tell you why. I want off of it. The stuff is awful. It's a marketing exclamation point - I mean, you literally can NOT wean yourself off of it without spending more money, and taking a year or two to do it. Once you start it - you're stuck on it forever - however, there is a loophole. If - and it's a pretty longshot of a an IF - you have generic xanax, or alprazolam, (and I do) you can take that at the same milligrams and then cut back from there. So many people can not get a doctor to prescribe xanax, and I'm really worried about that for myself in the future - but for now I'm just focused on getting the hell off of the XR. It's made me stupid, fat, - and as I've said before - still I panic. Oh, AND it's a HELL of a lot more expensive.
Anyway, so I may be rather anxious the next few days - we shall see. I think I'll be okay though.
Moving on...
I have been spending way too much time on the web tonight exploring/reading about Bradley Whitford. I don't know what the draw is, I really don't - but I just can't get enough of the guy. I'll have to think on it and elaborate some day.
I wonder what the difference between peanuts and cocktail peanuts is. I bought these peanuts, and when I did I couldn't help but to think of my grandfather who always had a jar of peanuts somewhere in the house. Usually next to chocolate and a crossword puzzle. Anyway, I realize now that I don't like cocktail peanuts, and so next time I'll just buy the goddamn honey roasted peanuts that I know I do like.
Who talks about peanuts in a blog??? Wait a minute! Maybe the cocktail peanuts, being bland and all, are called cocktail peanuts so you know to serve them at cocktail parties when you don't want people to stay very long. "Hmm...yeah, these Steven's are real nice people, but the food at this party sucks...wanna go get some Thai food honey? I'll get our coats - tell them the sitter called, and the kids are sick."
Maybe that also means that my grandfather always had cocktail peanuts setting out when we visited because he didn't want us to stay long. We never stayed long anyway. My grandmother always made a nasty pork roast, and my mother could not stop her eyes from bulging out of her head any time my sister or I would scrape our forks against the expensive dinnerware. I swear she'd watch every single sip we took out of my grandmother's glasses, too. First of all - who let's a couple of little kids use expensive stemware, (grandparents who don't care because they're just glasses?) - and second of all - why did my mother spend more time with her eyes bulging out of her head than visiting with family? I don't think my mom liked us as kids, and she pretty much doesn't like as adults, either.
Oh my God. Get this. So, my sister goes down to visit my mom. My mom owns a semi-large daycare center, and was having computer problems. My sister went in to see if she could straighten said problems out, and while she was there and online she set up Outlook to retreive her own email, and never REMOVED the account from Outlook. So for MONTHS my mother has been getting every single piece of email sent to my sister, and the worst part is that she said NOTHING. And she read them all, too. I know this because she has said things she couldn't have possibly known because I wrote them to my sister, and only my sister. How rude is that? I mean, yeah, okay, Sister Decaf was stupid for not removing her email account, but damn - if you're gonna score on downloading someone's email like that at least don't fucking tell anyone! Who wouldn't have done the same thing? Really. Most people, if not 99% of them, would have kept on reading the emails (which quite often mentioned made mention of them in good and bad ways) even though, yes, they SHOULD have told the person - "hey, I'm getting your email - how do I stop that?"
Bottom line? I wonder what the hell bad things I've said about my mother to my sister in the past few months!!!!
Change of subject.
I really need to get to a dentist. Well, I have the worst case of needing to see a dentist, but Tall and Grande both need to see one, too. Both have cavities. I need a root canal and a filling. The last time I was at a dentist it was to get my wisdom teeth pulled. I had a nasty nasty panic attack, but it ended up not being a big deal. I'm a chicken shit, I know. I really am not looking forward to going. :(

My kitten is still adorable. She's got bathroom issues, but she's still adorable. Her name is Decaf Kitty, although she is anything but decaffeinated. Very playful when she's not pooing.
While I'm adding pictures I may as well include one of me with my pink hair.

Well, you still can't see it, but trust me, it's pink. I'll have to go outside and get a "natural light" shot at some point.
Damn, I need Anbesol. And a cigarette. I wonder if those are a bad combination?
Okay, so this is all for tonight. I'll keep you posted on how I'm doing sans Xanax XR, and with everything else.
Let me know if I'm totally wrong about Virginia - if anyone can think of anything that doesn't suck about it, leave a comment. (No - I'm not one to let go of grudges.)
Where the FUCK is the Anbesol?????
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