Thursday, January 19, 2006

Mid-Week Blah

It's 2:30 on Thursday morning. Yesterday went pretty fast, and I was down another pound so that was good. I was really anxious for some reason, though. PMS probably. Short Decaf is watching the Carebear's Movie. I swear I never thought in a million years I would purposely put a Carebear's movie on my television, yet there it is in all it's idiocy entertaining my 2-year-old.

I cut Tall's hair last night - fucked it up pretty bad, but he seems to like it. I was bummed because when i cut it he seemed taller afterwards. :( I measured his height tonight and he's 5'9". I guess that's right on track for a 14 1/2 year old boy? I dunno. He's still taller than his older brother, which makes me wonder how tall Grande is going to end up being. When do boys stop growing taller, I wonder?

I should go to bed, but I ate something at 2 AM and don't ever feel good if I go to bed after I've eaten, so now I have to wait. I guess it's like waiting an hour before jumping in the pool after you've eaten. heh.

I'm not sure how things are looking with getting the loan for that house we really want. I think they're starting to look a tad dimmer - that's the impression I get, but I guess we'll know more today. The guy, Morgan, said that we'd know everything we needed to know yesterday - but that didn't happen. I hate when people over-promise and under-deliver. I hate when I do it, but I especially hate when other people do it. I just pisses me off.

Note to anyone on the Atkins WILL have to floss A LOT. (Just a random thought.)

Speaking of flossing a's getting awfully damn close to my dentist appointment on Saturday. I am SO not looking forward to that. I also have an appointment with the new therapist and the new med doctor on the same day - so it's going to be a busy three hours. At least it will all get done in one afternoon, I suppose. I'm sure Venti isn't looking forward to sitting around watching me get mentally examined for 2 hours and then sitting in a dentist's waiting room for an hour. Poor guy. Maybe he can score some free wireless off of somewhere and do some side-work. That'd be cool.

Damn, the movie is over. Now I have to find something not-too-loud to keep Short occupied. Maybe sleep? :) That's starting to sound good. NOW...if only the goddamn mother fucking answering machine in our bedroom doesn't wake me the fuck up tomorrow morning at some ungodly hour - that'd be just great.

(I put Thomas the Tank Engine on....WHEW...saved by trains!)

Woah...just got hit with one of those waves of I'M TIRED!!!! I'm sure it will pass quickly.

Well, I'm gonna go explore the low-carb forums and check my email, maybe write in my journal, and as soon as Thomas is over - BED.

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