I'm so tired. I stopped taking Lexapro on Sunday and so that's two days without any. It's really messing with my head and giving me anxiety-type symptoms for withdrawal. Lovely. I think I'll be better off without it, though. I should certainly be able to better lose weight. I hope that's the case, anyway.
Oh, hey - 5 1/2 weeks until Spring - so there's something to look forward to.
My sister and her husband...AND my brother & his wife are on a white sandy beach in the Bahamas right now working on their tans. I'm so jealous. I know that the plane ride would make me panic, but I know once I got there and was just a few sips into my first funky-fruity drink I'd be just fine. Reeeeally fine. Why does she get to go on real vacations and I don't? It's just not fair. :( I want a vacation so bad. :(
I wonder if I've ever actually had a real vacation? Pretty much seems like the most I've ever done is the econo-version of a "vacation"...you know...drive FOREVER and get to a crowded, dirty beach and pretend that it's everything you needed to FINALLY be able to relax...knowing full well you are totally full of shit. And, no - driving across the country was not a vacation at all...it was hard work being crammed into the car with 3 kids and a cat for a week.
So. My diet isn't going all that well right now. Day 35 of no cheating is behind me, and although I was very, very good the past three days I gained 1 1/2 pounds for some fucked up reason. I don't have any clue how a person can lose 20 pounds and feel fatter than they ever have before. I want to cheat SO badly, but I haven't. If I keep gaining I will cheat and then go back on the diet because - what the hell, maybe it will break the cycle of gaining or plateauing. I'll give it another day or two though, first.
Man, I feel like shit. I'm not tired enough to go to bed and sleep well, I'm too tired to do anything productive, I feel like I've done 1,000 crunches from all the jumping up and down I did during the Superbowl (all for naught as the Seahawks lost - unfairly, too), I'm anxious and have a lot of tension in my chest (why can't massage therapists be free and on-call?), it's early in the week, and on it goes.
Here are my picks for "the planet has gone to shit and you have to be on a desert island with 3 men and you really want to be both sexually fulfilled AND entertained while repopulating the planet".... these are in order from 1st to last.
I'm not sure why. I also didn't know he was a "heart throb" in England - but I don't care. He's just fucking hot...something required in a guy who I plan on being stuck with for a while. Because, of course, I only know his character from a few movies - and most loved in Love, Actually - I would say he'd be the best at all-around likeability - pretty great sex - funny, and a great conversationalist. I mean, he's got that accent going for him, and he USES his eyes. This guy is the complete package.
Known basically from his role on The West Wing...he's smart, funny, REALLY funny, quick-witted, and totally looks hot. I probably wouldn't have sex with him as often as the guy above, but when I did it would be excellent sex, not better, just different.
Hmm...noticing a few similarities between these two guys. Clothing style, hair style, chin thing, etc.
Unfortunately, I'm having a terrible time coming up with the third guy. I thought, and thought, and finally just caved and said Brad Pitt, but I know that wouldn't work. I thought that - of course - John Cusak would be great, but he's so moody and has been a star since he was a kid so he's probably a real pompous ass in real life, pretty much not grounded in reality all that much - and I think the dark-broody thing would get old pretty quickly. I also think the sex would suck. No clue why I think that. I briefly thought of Will Smith, but then thought that he would have similar problems like John Cusak - along with being obnoxiously funny all the time, and a not-so-great lover. Again, I don't know why. Brad Pitt - and then, of course, Ben Affleck - both eye candy who wouldn't really do much for me in the mind department, but they both look great, and I can imagine sex with either of them would be decent. Well - Brad better than Ben.
I am seriously having trouble coming up with that damn third guy!!! What's wrong with me?? Oh, hell - how about Johnny Depp? Let's find a picture of him...
Okay, this makes sense to me. He's totally different than my first two guys - would be hellish cool to hang out with - and a refreshing break when things needed to be lightened up.
Besides...if you are gonna be stranded on an island - he's got that whole Pirates of the Carribean thing going for him.
I imagine sex with him would be most excellent, but that's about it...no mind-blowing conversations or great romance... - so yeah, my order still stands.
You know...I think - when a woman thinks up an answer to a question like this - she almost has to say to herself "who would touch me the softest and make me cum the hardest?" That sounds totally slutty - but hey, I'm stuck with these guys for years and years - I better be asking myself the right questions, right? And there's no way there's going to be any intense orgasm with some space-pod eye-candy dude who can't hold a conversation deeper than how the salt air is making his hair foofy. And do I really want to create children with guys who suck at sex? Get that shit out of the gene pool!
Hmmm...I just realized that all these guys are much older than me. I wonder what that says about me? Colin Firth is 46, Bradley Whitford is 47, and Johnny Depp is 43. I guess I like mature guys? Another instance of "I don't know why."
So, okay, you now have my official "desert island" list - and yes, I am taking into consideration that I don't know these people at all - and that I'm going by the characters I've seen them portray.
Shit. 3:15am and I'm still not sleepy - but now I'm anxious. What the hell am I going to do now that I've run out of things to say AND embarrassingly laid out (no pun intended) all of this desert island shit in my blog?
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