Second thing I'm freaking TF out about is this weight gain. I've gained ten pounds since we've moved to Seattle. WTF is THAT all about? And it's not a comfortable ten pounds, either. It's one of those skin-stretching, belly feels like it's got a bowling ball in it, totally uncomfortable ten pounds. I don't know what else to do other than obsess about it. I think it must be my thyroid gland malfunctioning. Thyroid doesn't have very many syllables, I'll grant you that, but it still sounds kind of scary.
I don't know how to exercise with my agoraphobia and heart phobia. I guess I'll get to talk to a psychologist about this soon.
I also get to go to the dentist this weekend - right smack dab in the middle of a Saturday when I should be out shopping (because we have not yet done any Christmas shopping at all!) I also panic in dentist's chairs. I'll have to be sure to take extra xanax instead of thinking I can just brave it out. I always get a kick out of telling a dentist that I'm sedated because they scare the shit out of me. Ever reaction is unique...but fun.
Goddamn it. I better weigh less tomorrow morning when I step on the scale than I did this morning. I simply will NOT put up with being this fucking fat.
I'm not really tired. I don't know why I put that in the title of the post. I'm actually quite wide awake for it being 2:30 in the morning. I guess it doesn't hurt that I had a 3 hour nap today. I think naps are a thing of beauty.

Oh - here's a picture I took. I was going to take more pictures, but my camera's battery died right about after I took this pic. I think it reminds me of the Arches National Park - the rock formation that's called something like the Three Gossips or something like that.
Hmm. I think if you click on it that it will look better than it does in this small version. I should have cropped it, too. Yeah well.
I haven't heard from my mother lately. I wonder if she's pissed at me for not sending a thank you note for the glasses she bought me from Pier 1. I wonder if she'd be pissed if she knew that all the glasses she sent me are breaking VERY easily. I wonder if they're a different batch than the ones I got at the Pier 1 here. Anyway, I'm sure she'll cheer up as soon as she gets the 2 bottles of wine and box of chocolates I got her for Christmas. Now...just have to get them packaged and in the mail.
Oh, man - I had the greatest Mongolian BBQ yesterday. Venti and I ventured out with only Short Decaf and Grande Decaf had pissed us off so badly that we just wanted to be gone from the house for a while, and figured they could find their own dinner anyway. We braved going into the mall to the food court - which you would think would suck - but I tell you, that dude who runs the Mongolian grill there is just awesome. I can't understand very much of what he says - but I ended up getting curry sauce, peppers, and soy sauce on mine. Lots of peppers. He was shocked that I wanted it so spicy, but obliged. Man, it was so fucking good. And it wasn't unhealthy, either - I would think the only unhealthy thing about it would have been the noodles (not a lot of them) and the sodium in the soy sauce. (So that's NOT why I'm suddenly fat.)
I wish I could adopt the guy. He probably doesn't wish that.
Speaking of adopting people, Venti saw a homeless lady with a 2-year-old little girl. If he sees her again he's going to work up the nerve to talk to her. I think she should come and live with us. We have the room, after all. I'd just love, love, love to help someone out like that. I just wish that we knew we were going to be in this house a little longer, or that we would - for sure - be able to find as big of a house to rent next July when it's time for us to get out of here. If that stuff was in the bag, I think I'd actively seek out someone who could use a break in life and give them the spare space in the house. Man, homeless with a 2-year-old...I can't even imagine. That's so sad. :(
(God, I am SO SICK of Blue's Clues.)
I just realized tonight that the chick that plays a Real Estate agent in the T-Mobile 1500 minutes a month commercial was the same actress in Kirstie Alley's Fat Actress show. She was great in that. I loved her hair.
(Yes, these are random thoughts.)
So, I've got my television nights all planned out for the week.
Sunday: (past already): West Wing - it rocked.I made something in response to that gay-assed Cookie Exchange party. You can read it here if you're interested. It really is funnier if you read the original version first. God, I just really don't like people like that.
Monday: (tonight-past already): The Medium. Pretty damn good episode.
Tuesday: Not a goddamn thing because The Office isn't on. WTF? My name is Earl is on, but I don't like that a whole lot (although I used to have a serious crush on Jason Lee)
Wednesday: Martha Stewart's Apprentice
Thursday: Season Finale of Donald's Apprentice - of course! 2 Hour Finale, Bay-bay! (Also, will be watching Joey.)
Friday: Yeah....I don't watch Friday night TV. Or Saturday night, to be honest. Those are "I'm not home right now..." or movie nights.
1 comment:
You have a knack for taking good pictures. You're much more artistic than you give yourself credit for. The Colorado and Washington pictures you have on Morguefile are part of my wallpapers collection.
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