Wednesday, December 15, 2004

100 Things

I know everyone does this and everyone thinks it's lame, but I'm bored and need to waste a few hours...

100 Things About me
(was 50 Things About Me)

1. I love stationary - post-its, pens, paper clips, note pads, all of it.

2. Illuminations is my favorite store but I can't afford anything there. (Candles.)

3. I smoke. (If you have anything to say about that, fuck off.)

4. I love spirals.

5. If I could choose a state to live in it would most likely Maine.

6. I stay up until 4am and wake up at noon.

7. Nobody has made me a pot of coffee in over a year.

8. I gave up caffeine, but not coffee (went to decaf) in August of 2003.

9. There are (basically) 8 windows in my 3 bedroom house.

10. I don't know my neighbors names, except for one guy. (200+ houses in my development.)

11. I've written a novel.

12. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.

13. I don't have a single real life friend.

14. I constantly wish I could close my eyes and open them up and be 15 again.

15. I hate, with a passion, tan carpet. I had dark dark blue carpet once, that was cool.

16. I need to hear SOMETHING at night; a fan, any sort of white noise, otherwise I can't sleep.

17. I hate being hot, I hate living in places that are hot, a tropical vacation sounds like hell to me.

18. I have attempted to figure out how to become anorexic to no avail.

19. I love Trivial Pursuit but nobody plays it anymore.

20. I like non-fiction, especially historical books.

21. I believe in reincarnation.

22. 22 is my husband's favorite number, but mine isn't. Mine is 25.

23. I've been married twice. I was pregnant both times.

24. As much as I use my computer, I generally don't like computers anymore.

25. I picked my son's name from a character in the movie Armageddon. (AJ)

26. Because I think Ben Affleck is cute.

27. I don't like my cat anymore.

28. Sometimes I wish I had a small dog.

29. I don't know what my favorite color is.

30. I do know my favorite flower; daisy.

31. My favorite female actress is Drew Barrymore but Jennifer Garner is edging her out.

32. I own, and use, tarot cards.

33. I generally hate nuts except for almonds and macadamias.

34. I am a registered Republican who voted a straight Democratic ticket in 2002 and 2004.

35. I have really awful panic attacks and am agoraphobic.

36. I type about 90wpm.

37. It annoys me when people use 'good' when they should use 'well', or spell things wrong.

38. My favorite TV show is The West Wing. My vastly different 2nd fave? The Swan.

39. Josh Lyman's character perfectly exemplifies the man I 'knew' I'd marry when I was younger.

40. Sometimes I lay awake at night and think about how stupid the people on The Apprentice have been and what I would have done differently.

41. I have overcome a serious addiction to an online RPG called Everquest.

42. I wish my bedroom was painted the color "eggplant." Just once.

43. My favorite cookies are molasses cookies.

44. I finally memorized my cellphone number.

45. I don't drink often, (like once a year) but when I do, I like sour drinks like margaritas and sweet & sours.

46. I hate miniblinds.

47. I really hate my dishes but I really love my glasses.

48. I don't have a favorite holiday - my kids birthdays make up for that, those are great.

49. I moderate 3 very active message boards.

50. I have six email addresses that I actually use.

51. I generally don't like any robots except that little disk shaped vacuum cleaner. Roomba I think it is.

52. I hate Nascar and anything related to Nascar such as flags, lawn ornaments, commercials, the race themselves.

53. I think Tiger Woods is awesome and I absolutely love playing golf, although the best score I've ever gotten on an 18 hole course was 101 - and it's been more than four years since I played.

54. Did I do favorite ice cream yet? Not sure. However, it would be chocolate marshamallow, eaten with those big fat hard pretzels. Weird. I know.

55. I once worked in a sewing factory. (To balance that out, I also worked in an Environmental Consultant Company.)

56. If I go to a fast food place it's Taco Bell and I order the 1 Burrito Supreme, 1 Taco Supreme meal.

57. If I have a choice of where to go for a nice dinner out, it would be Dave's Famous BBQ. I know - that's not "nice" - but the food is fucking awesome.

58. I think vegetarians are weird. We are supposed to eat meat, not wheat.

59. The most I've ever won on a lottery ticket is $85 on a trip to the beach when I REALLY needed it so I could party more.

60. The last movie I rented was Collatoral which I didn't really like.

61. Movies I could watch over and over again include: Dogma, 13 going on 30, the FIRST Matrix, First Wives Club, House of Sand and Fog, Until There Was You, and - embarassingly, Miss Congeniality.

62. Movies that should be removed from existence: Matrix Revolutions. Period. Way to fuck up a perfectly awesome movie, assholes.

63. I own 144 high quality prints of the Metropolitan Museums of New Yorks idea of "the greatest paintings ever." They are like a secret pride and joy of mine.

64. I love M.C. Escher's work.

65. I had a Strawberry Shortcake lunchbox when I was a kid.

66. Best books: The DaVinci Code (Dan Brown), Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy (Complete Collection), The Day the Universe Changed (James Burke - a new favorite but an old book), Ancient Mysteries (by Peter James and Nick Thorpe,) A History of Knowledge: Past, Present and Future, (by Charles Van Doren )

67. Slowest book I've recently read...The Tipping Point.

68. Favorite beer, I'm not sure of the name but it's dark beer and only served (AFAIK) in a pub on Bainbridge Island, Washington. If I have to pick a local beer it would be Sam Adams.

69. I've never broken a bone.

70. I've never had a speeding ticket, or moving violation of any type.

71. I do not have a dream car.

72. My favorite sport is people-watching.

73. My least favorite sport is a tie between basketball and baseball (to watch, playing is cool.)

74. I know all the words to the song "Across the Universe" from the Beatles.

75. My thermostat is set at 65ยบ

76. I prefer a small real tree for Christmas but for practicality reasons, would like to buy an artificial one.

77. I only ever had two wisdom teeth and I just got them removed. It didn't hurt like I thought it would.

78. I hate tiny cell phones.

79. I'm convinced that my husband is getting sick of me and flirting with someone online.

80. The first boy I ever really kissed was named Steve Miller, it was outside of a church on a Wednesday night and I was 12.

81. There are 14 magnets on my refrigerator, three postcards, two pictures of my little boy, receipts that we haven't kept track of yet, and an order form for my sons yearbook.

82. I am addicted to because I'm addicted to my digital camera.

83. My camera is a Olympus Camedia C-3000. It is a total battery sucker.

84. I cut my sons hair. I've also dyed it, bleached it, streaked it and spiked it for him as his mood has changed.

85. We go through a lot of gel in our home.

86. If I had could raid a clothing store it would probably be Lands End.

87. I have a serious addiction to buying my little boy cute pajamas off of EBay.

88. I am 33 years old.

89. I think ice-hocky is a moronic sport.

90. I'm the youngest of five siblings. 3 sisters and 1 brother. I'm the only one who speaks to most of them, except my brother because he's an asshole.

91. I have 2 black leather Coach purses and I hate the Coach Signature line of purses. Mine are not that line.

92. I make the worlds best pumpkin roll, pumpkin pie, and fudge. IMHO.

93. I desperately want a heart shaped keychain from Tiffany's with my initials on it, from their "Return To" collection.

94. My least favorite chore is doing laundry, but oddly enough I actually enjoy folding it.

95. The only tools I own are a hammer and a box of nails.

96. I really, really wish every light switch in my house was one of those sliding dimmer switch types.

97. There are six sets of stairs in my home if you count the landings as beginning a new set.

98. I've owned several cats named Fluffy. All of them were.

99. I once had a therapist who was a Creationist and I asked him how the hell can you be a scientist, an M.D.... AND a Creationist? He was a nice guy, did a great job getting me over a few phobias.

100. Finally getting to 100 is a huge relief because I was sick of trying to figure out things to type.

1 comment:

Staffordworks said...

Your husband is madly in love with you, would never get sick of you and is not flirting with someone online.

so there.

I hope that someday I can be your josh lyman :)