Sunday, December 19, 2004


Rantscribe: "Tolerance? The mere fact that anyone chooses a religion above another and then regards all the others as incorrect and that those sinners will go to hell means that ANY religious person cannot be tolerant. Agnosticism is the only tolerant choice. We neither deny nor accept any relgion. Frankly religion is a waste of my powers of logic and reason. It is totally inconclusive and therefore not worth thinking about. Yet, just as these Deliverers, as they call themselves, have a God-given right to indoctrinate recruits, so too do I have my own Me-given right to recruit people to my way of thinking. This persecution complex must stop. I do not cry like a school girl if my beliefs are countered. In fact, I cannot recall A SINGLE PERSON even attempting to counter agnosticism. Funny that. And I don't mean counter it with Christianity. I mean try and have a metaphysical and philosophical argument to counter it. Christianity and religion are ALWAYS argued against from all sides, including science.

I posted previously the negative correlation between intelligence and religiosity. I'm sorry but intellectual people are not religious. Less intelligent people are. It's that bleeding simple (although there are of course exceptions to the mean - lest I insult anyone). And although I do pity the dim-witted, I also enjoy the fact that my intellectual superiority enables me to toy with them. Cruel, perhaps, to attempt a battle of wits with an unarmed person, but it is my right. I am higher up on the intellectual food chain, which means I can toy with and then consume whichever lowly organism is below me. Just like you eat cows, pigs, sheep, vegetables, fish etc. Yes, it is an arrogant point of view I agree, but it is simply a fact of life. I am selfish and arrogant. I can do it because I can. And I am very happy and content with that."

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