Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Back from Va-kay

No, never told anyone I was going, but I did. I only went to Mother Decaf's house 3 hours away and stayed one night.

My observation? People with central air should turn it the fuck on when it's 80ยบ in the house and nobody can sleep. I'm serious. They have this huge central air unit and NEVER turn it on. I have slept maybe 4 hours ... and I feel like I'm lead-lined.

Venti got good news. The company is flying him out to Seattle. I'm nervous as hell about this. I'll go into more detail later, but right now I'm just wiped out. The trip is a good thing, of course, I just have my own stupid 'issues' about it.

If you have Firefox (and you should) get the extension called StumbleUpon. It's a helluva lot of fun.


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