Thursday, January 05, 2006

Does It Have to Have a Title?

Well, day three of the low carb diet is behind me. I was told to expect to lose between five and ten percent of my body weight the first two weeks. Sure sounds good to me. I am kind of annoyed that my weight went up when I weighed this morning. 1/2 of a pound increase? Not good for morale - but I will persevere. I didn't have as much salad or cheese today, which might have been a culprit in the non-weight loss.

I hope I'll have lost weight when I step on the scale tomorrow. Even just 1/2 of a pound. Something!!

Venti and I got into a bit of an argument earlier today over something stupid in an email. I hate when we fight.

Nothing much new to report. I always say that and then end up writing a novel, but maybe not this time.

Let's see...well, uhm. Nope. I've got nothing.

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